Pregunta sobre WP Mail SMTP by WPForms de Wordpress:

[authenticate] => Error SMTP: No se pudo autenticar.

Un usuario pregunt贸 馃憞

Hola !

Estoy tratando de utilizar este plugin pero no se env铆an correos electr贸nicos. Estoy usando la 煤ltima versi贸n del plugin SMP WP Mail.

Gracias por tu ayuda.

Mensaje de prueba enviado

El resultado fue:

The full debugging output is shown below:

PHPMailer Object
    [Version] => 5.2.22
    [Priority] => 
    [CharSet] => UTF-8
    [ContentType] => text/plain
    [Encoding] => 7bit
    [ErrorInfo] => SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
    [From] => [email protected]
    [FromName] => Cloud Vapor
    [Sender] => 
    [ReturnPath] => 
    [Subject] => WP Mail SMTP: Test mail to [email protected]
    [Body] => This is a test email generated by the WP Mail SMTP WordPress plugin.
    [AltBody] => 
    [Ical] => 
    [MIMEBody:protected] => This is a test email generated by the WP Mail SMTP WordPress plugin.

    [MIMEHeader:protected] => Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2017 09:59:18 +0000
To: [email protected]
From: Cloud Vapor 
Subject: WP Mail SMTP: Test mail to [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
X-Mailer: PHPMailer 5.2.22 (
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

    [mailHeader:protected] => 
    [WordWrap] => 0
    [Mailer] => smtp
    [Sendmail] => /usr/sbin/sendmail
    [UseSendmailOptions] => 1
    [PluginDir] => 
    [ConfirmReadingTo] => 
    [Hostname] => 
    [MessageID] => 
    [MessageDate] => Fri, 3 Nov 2017 09:59:18 +0000
    [Host] =>
    [Port] => 465
    [Helo] => 
    [SMTPSecure] => ssl
    [SMTPAutoTLS] => 1
    [SMTPAuth] => 1
    [SMTPOptions] => Array

    [Username] => xxxxxxxxx
    [Password] => xxxxxxxxx
    [AuthType] => 
    [Realm] => 
    [Workstation] => 
    [Timeout] => 300
    [SMTPDebug] => 0
    [Debugoutput] => echo
    [SMTPKeepAlive] => 
    [SingleTo] => 
    [SingleToArray] => Array

    [do_verp] => 
    [AllowEmpty] => 
    [LE] => 

    [DKIM_selector] => 
    [DKIM_identity] => 
    [DKIM_passphrase] => 
    [DKIM_domain] => 
    [DKIM_private] => 
    [DKIM_private_string] => 
    [action_function] => 
    [XMailer] => 
    [smtp:protected] => SMTP Object
            [Version] => 5.2.22
            [SMTP_PORT] => 25
            [CRLF] => 

            [do_debug] => 0
            [Debugoutput] => echo
            [do_verp] => 
            [Timeout] => 300
            [Timelimit] => 300
            [smtp_transaction_id_patterns:protected] => Array
                    [exim] => /[0-9]{3} OK id=(.*)/
                    [sendmail] => /[0-9]{3} 2.0.0 (.*) Message/
                    [postfix] => /[0-9]{3} 2.0.0 Ok: queued as (.*)/

            [smtp_conn:protected] => 
            [error:protected] => Array
                    [error] => 
                    [detail] => 
                    [smtp_code] => 
                    [smtp_code_ex] => 

            [helo_rply:protected] => 
            [server_caps:protected] => 
            [last_reply:protected] => 221 closing connection


    [to:protected] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [0] => [email protected]
                    [1] => 


    [cc:protected] => Array

    [bcc:protected] => Array

    [ReplyTo:protected] => Array

    [all_recipients:protected] => Array
            [[email protected]] => 1

    [RecipientsQueue:protected] => Array

    [ReplyToQueue:protected] => Array

    [attachment:protected] => Array

    [CustomHeader:protected] => Array

    [lastMessageID:protected] => <[email protected]>
    [message_type:protected] => plain
    [boundary:protected] => Array
            [1] => b1_57459ff4e5041866724e9927ee7f872d
            [2] => b2_57459ff4e5041866724e9927ee7f872d
            [3] => b3_57459ff4e5041866724e9927ee7f872d

    [language:protected] => Array
            [authenticate] => SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
            [connect_host] => SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
            [data_not_accepted] => SMTP Error: data not accepted.
            [empty_message] => Message body empty
            [encoding] => Unknown encoding: 
            [execute] => Could not execute: 
            [file_access] => Could not access file: 
            [file_open] => File Error: Could not open file: 
            [from_failed] => The following From address failed: 
            [instantiate] => Could not instantiate mail function.
            [invalid_address] => Invalid address: 
            [mailer_not_supported] =>  mailer is not supported.
            [provide_address] => You must provide at least one recipient email address.
            [recipients_failed] => SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: 
            [signing] => Signing Error: 
            [smtp_connect_failed] => SMTP connect() failed.
            [smtp_error] => SMTP server error: 
            [variable_set] => Cannot set or reset variable: 
            [extension_missing] => Extension missing: 

    [error_count:protected] => 2
    [sign_cert_file:protected] => 
    [sign_key_file:protected] => 
    [sign_extracerts_file:protected] => 
    [sign_key_pass:protected] => 
    [exceptions:protected] => 1
    [uniqueid:protected] => 57459ff4e5041866724e9927ee7f872d

Este tema fue modificado hace 3 a帽os, 4 meses por.


Hace 3 a帽os, 4 meses

Te est谩s lanzando desde a Gmail puede bloquear dichas solicitudes. Intente enviarlo a su propio correo electr贸nico.

Si eso no ayuda: intente cambiar el puerto a 567 y el cifrado a TLS. veo que SMTPAutoTLS on, lo que significa que prueba TLS compatible con el servidor.

Si eso tampoco ayuda: inserte este fragmento en el functions.php el tema de su hijo:

Esta respuesta fue modificada hace 3 a帽os, 4 meses por.

(@ adamm86)

Hace 3 a帽os, 3 meses

Hola, en lugar de crear contenido nuevo, prob茅 lo anterior (obtuve el mismo error) mientras recib铆a la misma respuesta. 驴Algunas ideas? (Tambi茅n cambi茅 functions.php y todav铆a no estoy contento.


Lanzador de hilos

(@ stob8544)

Hace 3 a帽os, 3 meses

Para m铆 fue un error de contrase帽a. Gracias a mi cliente ..

Puse $ mail-> SMTPDebug = 3 en el archivo de plugin wp_mail_smtp.php. Obtuve m谩s informaci贸n y entend铆 de d贸nde ven铆a mi error.

驴Solucion贸 tu problema??

0 / 0

Deja una respuesta 0

Tu direcci贸n de correo electr贸nico no ser谩 publicada.